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Is the Four-Day Working Week Here to Stay?

Is the Four-Day Working Week Here to Stay?


Over 70 UK firms are participating in a six-month trial of a four-day working week, and early results have been encouraging.

With productivity maintained or improved at most firms, many are now considering whether implementing such a scheme is possible for them too. 

Benefits of a Four-Day Week

A four-day working week poses a lot of potential benefits, not just for employees but businesses as well. 

Employers trusting their employees to give their best for just four days could inspire workers to go the extra mile with their attitude and commitment, opening up avenues of creativity and innovation that tight deadlines or excessive workloads can often stifle. 

Likewise, employees may feel more supported by employers who understand that balance is important for a productive workforce, which could result in greater loyalty and job satisfaction. It can be an excellent way to balance work and life commitments, increasing morale, motivation and overall job satisfaction.

A four-day week could also help with productivity, as people have more time and energy to devote to their jobs. And it could foster trust between employers and employees as it shows an investment in the mental wellbeing of staff — something that is sure to build strong relationships.

But with any major change like this, there are always pitfalls to look out for. So here is what you need to know if you're considering introducing a four-day working week. 

Ensure You Have Buy-In from Leadership and Staff 

Changing an organisation's workweek to include a four-day week can be a great way to make employees more productive and engaged. 

But first, understand how it could benefit both the staff and leadership. The key is to explain what tangible outcomes this 'change of pace' will bring to the workplace and understand any areas of resistance that managers or staff may have. Be prepared with compelling evidence of the positive impacts this could have; otherwise, those in charge may not be willing to commit. 

Once you have that buy-in, everyone should understand your expectations from them for the four-day workweek model to actually be successful.

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Create Clear Guidelines for Employees 

A four-day workweek can be an effective way to create a better work-life balance for your employees and help bring joy back into the workplace, but it's essential to make sure that guidelines are in place so that everyone is still working at their best. 

That means clear expectations and rules around hours during the day, how and when meetings occur, deadlines that need to be met, taking appropriate breaks throughout the day, how vacation days will work, etc. This can help ensure everyone performs at their peak under this new system. 

Managers should provide regular feedback on performance - especially in a short-term system such as a four-day week - to ensure expectations are met for both parties.

Be Flexible 

Implementing a four-day workweek is an attractive solution for many businesses and their teams, but keeping your options open is essential.

You should always remain flexible as circumstances and conditions often change quickly and require a different approach. 

It's important to be aware of potential road bumps or tweaks you may need to make along the way for the new system to succeed over the long term. Staying prepared with backup protocols and ideas can help ensure everything runs smoothly, no matter the challenges.


Ultimately, whether implementing a four-day workweek will be beneficial for your business will depend on its size and financial situation.

Also, how much value you place on employee wellbeing and engagement levels within your company. If you can make this system changeover without compromising productivity or efficiency within your business, it might be worth giving it a go! 

However, you must weigh up both the pros and cons before deciding about shortening your working week. A four-day workweek can be an excellent way for businesses to increase productivity while providing employees with more flexibility and a better work/life balance.

But there are certain pitfalls to avoid if you want your plan to be successful. With those elements in place, you can rest assured knowing your team will reap all the benefits of shorter working weeks with no unnecessary hiccups.

Martin Veasey Talent Solutions are specialists in recruiting professional and senior-level staff with experience in every type of working pattern. Contact our team to discuss your requirements in more detail.


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